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Charlie and Lola – The Simpsons – Torchwood – 06 Feb 2008


The first recording today is Charlie and LolaPlease May I Have Some of Yours?

Lola has a problem with saving things for later. They’re going to the zoo and she keeps taking pictures with her camera before they’ve even got there.

She eats her sandwich too.

When she gets to the zoo, she’s run out of pictures so she can’t take pictures of the giraffe.

She can’t resist spending money on a drink.

Charlie has to share his packed lunch because Lola ate hers in the car.

Then she uses up all the film in Charlie’s camera on the seals, so he can’t take pictures of the armadillos.

Lola wants a toy seal for her bath, but she hasn’t got enough money. Charlie gives her some of his. So he can’t afford the animal book he wanted.

Over the next few days, Lola has started to save things until later. They go to the bookshop, and Charlie finds an even better book about animals.

He doesn’t have enough money to buy it, but Lola does, and she gives him the money.

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. On a trip to the zoo Lola is keen to buy a seal toy for her bath, but unfortunately she spends all of her pocket money by the time she gets to the zoo shop. In fact, Lola is having one of those days when she can’t seem to save anything for later. Charlie helps out, as ever, and is later rewarded by his grateful little sister, who finally gets the hang of saving!

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 6th February 2008 08:48

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 6th February 2008 08:50

The next recording starts with the end of Richard and Judy, talking to David Mitchell and Robert Webb.

Then it’s The SimpsonsMuch Apu about Nothing.

There’s a bear loose on Evergreen Terrace. After it’s contained, Homer whips up an angry mob. “I’m sick of these constant bear attacks. It’s like a freaking country bear jamberoo around here.” Flanders says “Well, now realistically, Homer, I’ve lived here some 30-odd years. This is the first and only bear I’ve ever seen.” “Hey, if you want wild bears eating your children and scaring away your salmon, that’s your business. But I’m not going to take it. Who’s with me?”

The mob demands something be done about the bear attacks, but Homer’s not happy when he realises there’s a cost to him. There’s another protest about this.

Mayor Quimby has the answer. “People, your taxes are high because of illegal immigrants. That’s right, illegal immigrants. We need to get rid of them.” “Immigrants, I knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.” “Oh, won’t somebody please think of the children?” “In one week, the town will vote on a special referendum, whether or not to deport all illegal immigrants from Springfield. It shall be known as Proposition 24.”

Apu tells Homer that he is an illegal immigrant. “Oh, my God. I got so swept up in the scapegoating and fun of Proposition 24. I never stopped to think it might affect someone I cared about. You know what, Apu? I am really, really gonna miss you.” Then he staples a “We Want You Out” poster to the wall and leaves.

Apu gets fake documents.

But he’s ashamed at having to deny his heritage.

Homer asks Selma if she’ll marry Apu. “My name’s already Selma Bouvier Twilliger Hutz McClure. God knows it’s long enough without Nahasapetapeeta-whatever. From now on, I’m only marrying for love and possibly once more for money.”

The only thing left is for Apu to take the citizenship test. Homer decides to be his tutor, and it includes a classic Simpsons running gag about nobody knowing which State Springfield is in.

Apu passes the test.

Groundskeeper Willie is deported.

This is a really weird episode, mainly because I guess, at the time, the idea of hideous anti-immigrations sentiments seemed unlikely. These days, when such fearmongering is everyday, this episode just doesn’t seem funny at all.

Media Centre Description: Apu faces deportation when a referendum on illegal immigrants is placed on the Springfield ballot. Featuring the guest voice of Joe Mantegna.

Recorded from Channel 4 on Wednesday 6th February 2008 17:58

After this, the recording stops with the start of Hollyoaks.

The next recording starts with a trail for BBC Asian Network

Then it’s a new episode of TorchwoodMeat.

A lorry from Rhys’s haulage firm has an accident, but it was transporting some suspicious looking meat, so Torchwood is called in, and Rhys sees Gwen there when they arrive. Since he has no idea about Torchwood and thinks Gwen is still working for the police on Special Ops, he’s suspicious.

Owen checks the meat. “There’s evidence of a vertebral column but its genetic make-up isn’t compatible with any known animal. But whoever’s farming this meat knows it’s dodgy. See this? Official vet stamp – “fit for human consumption”. It’s fake. It’s good, but it’s fake.”

I do like the repeated gag about the advertising jingle for Rhys’s firm. In the opening, it’s on as he’s driving, and he tells his assistant “I wrote that last bit”. In the Hub, Tosh brings up the website and the jingle plays. Ianto’s terse opinion? “Catchy.”

Tosh phones Rhys, pretending to be to be the police, but he doesn’t know much more than the name of the company who hired the lorry. All the arrangements were done through the driver, who died in the accident. Gwen goes to see him. She’s sure he isn’t involved, but doesn’t know he saw her with the Torchwood team.

His suspicions raised, he starts watching Gwen, and sees her near the Hub with Jack, as they head off to the location that they’ve identified as the most likely source f the meat deliveries.

He follows them to the location, and looks around. Jack spots him. Gwen still says he doesn’t know anything, but it looks suspicious when the men running the factory arrive and start talking to him. They don’t know who he is and are suspicious but Jack and Gwen can’t see that and it looks as if Rhys might know them. They take Rhys into the warehouse and ask him what he’s doing there. Rhys says who he is, tells them about the driver who died, and suggests he could take over the work, clearly trying to find out more about what they’re doing. “So what exactly did he tell you?” “Everything. You know, that you were…cleaning up old meat.” “Oh, it’s a lot bigger than that.”

They weren’t exaggerating. The source of the meat is a huge whale-like creature. They cut out chunks of meat, and it just keeps growing.

Back home there’s a confrontation. Gwen has to admit what she does, and Rhys can’t believe it. “Aliens? In Cardiff?”

So she brings Rhys to the Hub.

Jack has a go at Rhys for disrupting their mission. “All you did was mess things up. Now we have to think of a way to get back in and, thanks to you, they’ll have tightened security.” “Well, if you asked me what I saw in there, instead of showing off around the place…” “Do I show off?” “Just a bit.” “..you’d know I got out by saying I wanted a job. So rather than cock things up, I’ve found you a way to get in. But if you can’t handle that, big boy, then you can stuff it!” Jack, after a pause, says “This is quite homo-erotic.”

So they make plans to shut the operation down. One surprising wrinkle is that Jack insists they have to save the creature, not kill it. “Why shouldn’t we save it? Because it’s an alien? It needs our protection.” Rhys says “You didn’t hear its cry. Heart-breaking.” “Jack, it’s growing.” “Well, we’ll find a way to stop it mutating. We are doing this. That’s an order!”

Tosh is still flirting with Owen despite him being such an incredible pig. This part of the show’s story always annoyed me, maybe because Owen was almost never written as anything other than a colossal arsehole.

There’s a bit of male bonding between Rhys and Jack as they drive to the warehouse. “On her first day of work, she told me off for being too clinical.” “She doesn’t hold back, mind.” “Stubborn as hell.” “Tell me about it. Yeah, she’s an amazing girl. I’m a lucky man, Jack.” “Yeah, you said it.” “I just wish you were a bit uglier.”

The raid on the warehouse doesn’t go smoothly. Rhys and Ianto are captured.

Jack tries the truth. “Do you know what you’ve got here, Dale? It’s an alien. A creature from another galaxy. It came through a rift in time and space, and it was unlucky enough to find you.” “No. No way.” “Did you really think it originated on this planet? Have you ever seen anything like it?”

One of the bad guys goes to shoot Gwen, but Rhys takes the bullet.

There’s a fight, and the creature starts breaking its restraints. Ianto gets free and goes after the men who shot Rhys. “Pray they survive” he says as he stuns them.

Owen arrives with something to quiet the creature.

But because a sedative wouldn’t have worked, he had to kill it. And for the first time, Owen actually seems to show some empathy for another living creature.

Now it’s all been cleared up, Gwen is asked to give Rhys a Retcon pill to make him forget, but she can’t do it. “You can’t allow him to remember. It’s the rules.” “But none of you have any partners outside of this.” “But we understand how you feel.” “No, you don’t. No, you don’t, Jack! You all think it’s cold and lonely out there. But it isn’t for me because I have him. He matters. And I’ve lied to him for long enough. What he did today was so brave, braver than any of us because we signed up for this. But he didn’t! He did it because he loves me, and I won’t take that away from him! I won’t!” So Jack has to reluctantly let her leave, because he doesn’t want to lose her from the team.

Media Centre Description: Science-fiction drama created by Russell T Davies. Rhys discovers the truth about Torchwood and becomes part of the team as they investigate a mysterious alien meat supply. Gwen feels guilty that Rhys has been put into so much danger.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 6th February 2008 21:00

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 6th February 2008 21:00

After this there’s a trail for The Choir: Boys Don’t Sing and a trail for the BBC Three show Phoo Action. Which appears to feature Carl Weathers.


Then the recording stops with the start of Wonderland.

The last recording today starts with the end of a 60 Seconds bulletin, and a trail for Find Me The Face.


Then, it’s a BBC Three repeat of TorchwoodMeat.

Media Centre Description: Science-fiction drama created by Russell T Davies. Rhys discovers the truth about Torchwood and becomes part of the team as they investigate a mysterious alien meat supply. Gwen feels guilty that Rhys has been put into so much danger.

Recorded from BBC THREE on Wednesday 6th February 2008 23:00

BBC Genome: BBC THREE Wednesday 6th February 2008 23:00

After this there’s another trail for Phoo Action. And 60 Seconds of news.


Then the recording stops with the start of Family Guy.

Here’s the ad breaks for The Simpsons.



  • trail: Relocation, Relocation
  • Andrex
  • British Gas
  • DKNY
  • Recycle
  • Definitely, Maybe in cinemas
  • Asda
  • Churchill Insurance
  • Glade Flameless Candle
  • VW Tiguan
  • trail: Alan Carr’s Celebrity Ding Dong
  • trail: Skins
  • K-Swiss
  • trail: Monster-in-Law

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