First today, it’s Charlie and Lola – I Will Not Ever Never Forget You Nibbles.
Charlie is allowed to get a pet, a little mouse called Nibbles.
Charlie gets to show Nibbles at school.
There’s a lovely passage of time, showing them having fun with nibbles during the year, but then… I have to admit, Charlie’s expression here did make me tear up a bit.
They decorate a box to bury Nibbles, like they used to in Ancient Egypt.
They play music.
They visit Marv and play with his mouse, Squeak, which cheers Lola up a bit.
So they decide that they can get a new mouse, which Lola calls Tickles.
Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. Charlie and Lola love Charlie’s pet mouse, Nibbles. They even take him to school where he shows off his extremely clever tricks. Unfortunately, mice don’t live for very long and when Nibbles dies, Lola is very sad about and thinks she could never have a pet mouse again. The arrival of Tickles, the most tickliest mouse in the world, proves her wrong.
Recorded from BBC TWO on Tuesday 12th February 2008 07:33
BBC Genome: BBC TWO Tuesday 12th February 2008 07:35
The next recording starts with the end of Richard & Judy talking to Kerry Katona.
Then it’s another episode of The Simpsons – You Only Move Twice.
After Smithers turns it down, Homer is offered a job at Globex Corporation, but it means moving to a company town called Cypress Creek.
“Hello, I am not interested in buying the house But I would like to use your restroom, flip through your magazines, rearrange your carefully shelved items, and handle your food products in an unsanitary manner. Now, you know how it feels.”
Their new house is lovely, and they’re welcomed by the President of Globex, Hank Scorpio.
Homer’s shown to his new job. He has to manage a team. Scorpio tells him “We’re on a tight schedule. You keep them motivated.” “Are you guys working?” “Yes, sir, Mr. Simpson.” “Could you work any harder than this?” “Sure thing boss.” “Hey, call me Homer.”
Bart makes friends at school.
But he struggles with reading cursive.
So he’s put into the Leg Up Program.
Marge is struggling with having everything done by gadgets and technology.
Homer wants Hammocks for his team so he goes to ask Scorpio. But during the conversation Scorpio has to break off to issue an ultimatum to the United Nations. “Good afternoon gentlemen, this is Scorpio. I have the doomsday device. You have 72 hours to deliver the gold or you face the consequences, and to prove I’m not bluffing watch this.” There’s an explosion. “Oh my god, the 59th street bridge.” “maybe it just collapsed on its own.” “We can’t take that chance.” You always say that. I want to take a chance.”
Later he’s looking for sugar, and wanders into another room with a bug death ray. “Hi Homer, I’m keeping two of my fingers crossed that you’re gonna have that nuclear generator up to full power by tomorrow.” “Uh, yes, sir. No problem.” “Oh good. By the way Homer. What’s your least favourite country? Italy or France?” “France.” “Nobody ever says Italy.”
Lisa is allergic to everything in the wood.
“So. Do you expect me to talk?” “I don’t expect anything from you except to die and be a very cheap funeral. You’re gonna die now.”
The whole family is sad and want to go back to Springfield.
Homer goes to talk to Scorpio about resigning while a full on assault onto his lair is in progress.
When they get back to Springfield, they find Otto has moved in.
And because he had told Scorpio a dream of his was to own the Dallas Cowboys, Scorpio sends him the Denver Broncos. “It’s not the Dallas Cowboys, but it’s a start.”
Media Centre Description: The Simpsons relocate to another community after Homer unwittingly takes a job with a company controlled by a super-villain.
Recorded from Channel 4 on Tuesday 12th February 2008 17:58
After this the recording stops with the start of Hollyoaks.
The last recording today is an episode of The Armstrong and Miller Show. The Airmen have been captured.
The football manager gives his half-time pep talk, and when the team go out, he goes to a microphone. “Kill them.”
Too Frank Dad talks the Birds and the Bees. “And then in November 1994 Your mum got drunk and had sex with two builders. And nine months later out you popped. Not sure which of the builders is your real dad. I’m guessing it’s not the Chinese one.”
The creepy Russian oligarch and the manager of his football team.
In the sketch of two people purchasing a house, is that Boyd Hilton?
The Flanders and Swann types sing another naughty song.
The window cleaner who outlines a possible solution to the Middle East problems.
The Racist Sat-Nav. “In 600 meters turn right immediately after the single faith school. God only knows what they teach them in there. Don’t get me wrong. It’s good they’re getting an education. But you do wonder what gets wiped off the blackboards at the end of the day. Turn right at the cultural centre. Don’t get me started.”
There’s a shot of Battlestar Galactica opening the next sketch.
“Wait a minute Those mountains, that leaden sea. I know this planet.” “Does it have a name?” “It has a name all right. It is Lower Dinsbury.”
The man coming home from work having contaminated himself in a scientific experiment, and his housemate tries to empathise. “An accident. I pricked myself with a hypodermic. Pray to god this isn’t what I think it is. My genetic structure rewriting itself, rebooting. I’m mutating. Oh my God I’m falling apart.” “I know that’s just like me. I mean yesterday, right? I’m working with Ian trying to put the strategy proposal together and Sheila comes along. She’s like, oh look, Julie’s gone off early. We have to cover the phones for an hour and I’m just stood there going to myself ‘This isn’t my job’. You know, I’m sorry, but it just isn’t.”
The passive aggressive cafe workers, who break into a full fight.
The man who comes home early to find his boss coming out of their shower.
The Mountaineer whose friends are giving him a send-off before his climbing of K2 the next day, and they won’t let home go home and sleep.
The Inappropriate Dentist.
Media Centre Description: Scratch beneath the surface of po-faced British respectability and you’ll find a wealth of great characters. Alexander Armstrong and Ben Miller star in a brand new sketch show.
Recorded from BBC FOUR on Tuesday 12th February 2008 21:30
BBC Genome: BBC FOUR Tuesday 12th February 2008 21:30
After this there’s trails for The Art of Spain and The Cult of Sunday.
Then the recording stops with the start of Citizen Smith (not that one).
Here’s the ad breaks in The Simpsons.
- trail: Dispatches: How The Banks Bet Your Money
- Vauxhall Corsa
- Tesco
- Teaching
- Garnier Nutrisse – Davina McCall
- R&B Love Songs 2008
- Direct Line
- Charmin
- K-Swiss
- Vauxhall Corsa
- trail: The Big Bang Theory
- L’Oreal Casting – Penelope Cruz
- L’Oreal Lash Architect
- Johnson’s Baby Skincare
- Heinz Mum’s Own Recipe
- trail: Neighbours on Five
- Munch Bunch
- Lacoste Dream of Pink
- Ford Focus
- trail: Skins