The first recording today starts with the end of Richard & Judy talking to Freema Agyeman.
Then it’s another episode of The Simpsons – The Springfield Files with an introduction from Leonard Nimoy. “Hello, I’m Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true and by true I mean false. It’s all lies, but they’re entertaining lies. And in the end, isn’t that the real truth? The answer is no.”
Walking home from Moe’s (which is no longer 50 yards from his house like it was in a previous episode) things get spooky. Psycho-like music starts playing a lights approach, but it’s a bus carrying the Springfield Philharmonic playing the music.
He runs through the woods, and sees a glowing light, and some kind of alien creature.
He runs away screaming “Yahhh!”
Homer’s story attracts the FBI’s interest, and special agents Mulder and Scully make a guest appearance.
“Mr. Simpson, look at this lineup and tell us if any of these are the aliens you saw.” “No, I’m sorry.”
Even with their investigation, nobody believes Homer, so he and Bart camp out near the woods the next Friday night, and have another encounter, which Bart captures on video.
next Friday, Homer holds up a T-Shirt saying Homer Was Right. “Take a look at this, Lisa. You don’t see any Homer is a dope t-shirts, do you?” “We sold those out in five minutes.” “D’oh!” Then Marge arrives with Maggie. “Marge, how could you?” “These shirts are 100% cotton. And look at the fine stitching on dope.”
The alien arrives on cue, and just before the crowd turns ugly, Lisa stops them. “You want an alien? This is your alien.” It’s Mr Burns, and Smithers explains “Every Friday evening after work, Mr. Burns undergoes a series of medical treatments designed to cheat death for another week.”
There’s a group sing of Good Morning Starshine.
Media Centre Description: X-Files agents Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate Homer’s claims that he has had an encounter with an extraterrestrial. Featuring the guest voices of David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and Leonard Nimoy.
Recorded from Channel 4 on Wednesday 20th February 2008 17:58
After this, re recording stops with the start of Hollyoaks.
The next recording starts with a trail for Six Nations Rugby and a trail for Lily Allen and Friends.
Then there’s a repeat showing of Torchwood – Reset.
Media Centre Description: Science-fiction drama set in Cardiff, created by Dr Who writer Russell T Davies. Captain Jack calls in Martha Jones to investigate mysterious deaths. When the trail leads to a sinister medical testing centre Martha must go undercover. But have Torchwood underestimated how far the testing centre will go to find medical breakthroughs?
Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 20th February 2008 21:00
BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 20th February 2008 21:00
After this there’s a new trail for the Benedict Cumberbatch thriller The Last Enemy.
Plus a trail for That Mitchell and Webb Look.
There’s also a trail for Sport Relief.
Then there’s a few minutes of Torchwood Declassified before the recording stops.
The final recording today starts with a trail for Sport Relief, then there’s 60 Seconds of TV news.
There’s also a different trail for That Mitchell and Webb Look.
There’s a promo for Upstaged and a trail for Lily Allen and Friends.
Then, it’s a BBC Three premiere for Torchwood – Dead Man Walking.
Owen is dead, to begin with.
Jack tells Martha to hold off on the autopsy, and heads off to find something. He consults a little girl with Tarot cards who tells him what he’s looking for is hidden in a church.
The church is home to lots of weevils, but luckily they’re all asleep while he’s looking.
He brings a box back to the hub, and shows the team what’s in it. It’s a resurrection glove, presumably the pair to the one that caused a lot of problems in the first series.
The glove only gives two minutes of life. Tosh tells Own she loves him. Jack has a more practical reason to bring him back. “Owen, I need the code for the alien morgue. You’re the only one who knows it.” “You brought me back for that? For that?!”
But Owen doesn’t go back to being dead. He’s not alive, but he’s still walking around. Martha is tracking the energy that the glove gave him, and it’s so far affected 40% of his body.
He keeps seeing a dark space and senses something there, and then he changes and starts speaking in an alien language. He leaves the Hub without telling anyone.
Jack finds him in a club, having drunk a lot and failed to respond to a woman chatting him up due to not having a working bloodstream. They get arrested and end up in a cell. Owen realises that all the alcohol he drank is just going to sit in his stomach so he has to get rid of it, but he also no longer has a gag reflex, so he has to stand on his head to puke. Lovely.
Jack invokes his Torchwood authority to get them out of the cell, but on the way back to the Hub they’re starting to be pursued by weevils. But rather than attacking, they bow down to Owen, who goes back to the black-eyed demonic chanting. “So I’m King of the Weevils, maybe even Weevil Messiah, but whichever way you look at it, it ain’t good.”
They research what he was saying and find a record of a young girl who was brought back to life, but in doing so, she also brought the Grim Reaper back. “What happened to the town when Death walked amongst them?” “People died. 12 people. Death needed 13 souls before it had a permanent hold on the Earth.” “How did they stop it at 12?” “It just says Faith.”
At Owen’s suggestion, they plan to inject him with embalming fluid to stop his ‘life’. Before they can start, the glove starts attacking.
They destroy the glove, but not before Martha is rather drained of life, but not dead.
The Grim Reaper escapes from Owen’s body.
They rush her to hospital, but the Grim Reaper follows them there, and patients start dying before they can complete an evacuation. They have to stop it getting 13 victims. Jack asks Ianto if he’s found anything. “I have searched for the phrase “I shall walk the Earth and my hunger will know bounds”, but I keep getting redirected to Weight Watchers!”
The only person left outside the Torchwood team is a young boy who was playing a video game and missed the evacuation. He’s menaced by the Grim Reaper but Owen saves him. They talk about why he’s in the hospital. “Jamie, they got you in for a round of chemo, have they?” “Had that. It didn’t work.” “So why are you here?” “They’re trying to make me have it again. It didn’t work though. The cancer just comes back, just makes my hair fall out. I’m gonna die. I might as well do it with eyebrows.”
They work out that Death was stopped by the little girl who had been brought back to life. Owen talks to Jamie. “Jamie, you’re scared – of course you are. The last lot of chemo didn’t work and you can’t bear going through all that pain again, and I understand that, mate, I really do, but let me tell you that not everyone dies of this disease and the ones with the best chance of making it are the ones who believe that they can beat death. And sometimes, just sometimes, you can. So watch and learn, Jamie Burton.” “Watch what?” “Watch me beat death.” And he does.
Media Centre Description: Science-fiction drama set in Cardiff, created by Dr Who writer Russell T Davies. Deep in shock, the Torchwood team have to face their darkest hour. In an effort to put things right, Captain Jack Harkness unleashes a primal force that uses Torchwood as a conduit to wreck havoc across Earth, aided by the Weevils and their newly-appointed King.
Recorded from BBC THREE on Wednesday 20th February 2008 21:58
BBC Genome: BBC THREE Wednesday 20th February 2008 22:00
After this there’s a trail for Find me The Face.
Plus another trail for Lily Allen and Friends and a promo for BBC Asian Network.
There’s another helping of 60 Seconds.
Then the recording stops with the start of Being Human.
Here’s the ad breaks from The Simpsons.
- trail: True Stories: Black Gold
- trail: 4Music Sundays
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
- Tesco Compare Car Insurance
- Kwik Fit
- Royal Air Force
- Heinz Mum’s Own Recipe
- Renault Megane
- Argos
- trail: The Real Knights of the Round Table: a Time Team Special
- trail: The Woman Who Stops Traffic
- iPhone
- 4OD
- trail: Cutting Edge: My Street