The first recording today starts wuth the end of Richard & Judy.
Then it’s an episode of The Simpsons – El viaje misterioso de nuestro Jomer.
Homer goes to a chilli cook-out, and his legendary iron stomach makes short work of most of them.
But Chief Wiggum has come prepared. “I’ve added an extra ingredient just for you. The merciless peppers of Quetzalzaca Tanango! Grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum.” The first taste burns him so badly he has to drink everything he finds, upsetting Marge who he promised he wouldn’t drink too much.
Then he coats his mouth with wax, and goes back, eats the chillis, and starts hallucinating.
He meets a Spirit Guide who tells him he has to find his soulmate.
He worries that, because he’s had a fight with Marge, she isn’t his soulmate. “We don’t have anything in common.”
Spoiler, it is Marge.
Media Centre Description: After ingesting several Guatemalan peppers during a chilli cook-off, Homer experiences hallucinatory visions that inspire him to find his true soul mate in life. Features the voice of Johnny Cash.
Recorded from Channel 4 on Tuesday 19th February 2008 17:58
After this, the recording ends with the start of Hollyoaks.
The next recording is another episode of The Armstrong and Miller Show.
“Thank you, Grant. So, ladies and gentlemen, we are naming this phone the Tamtong WD 750 TI.
The oversharing dad. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I tried, but when it came down to it, I was just extremely lazy in bed, and your poor old mum sometimes had to sort herself out.”
“You like Vera Lynn?” “Yeah, she sings up some good shit, isn’t it? She’s safe.” “Isn’t it that she is well-fit? Do you know what I’m saying?” “She is buff.” “Totally. She’s got it going on. Not like Gracie Fields, she mings bad. She’s nasty.”
The creepy Russian Oligarch and the English manager of his football team.
The chemist whose back door leads somewhere magical.
The man being cuckolded by his colleague. “I don’t know what I’d do if Holly left me.” “No one’s leaving anyone. I’m sure Holly’s very happy with the way things are. I know I am.”
The Prime Minister who gets an important climate change treaty signed by all the major heads of government, but then leaves it in the state room, and is too embarrassed to go back and get it. “Prime Minister, if we don’t have that signed treaty in London by the end of today, then the whole thing would have been a complete waste of time. I mean, it’s just we managed to get the Chinese to sign, and we may never get that opportunity again, and this could be our one chance to halt global warming.” “It’s just… I think it might be a bit embarrassing. You know, I’ve said all my goodbyes. I did the hot air gag. I think we’ll just leave it.” “OK.”
The diplomatic window cleaner is now solving the Sunni-Shia muslim schism.
“Well, I hadn’t worked for a while and my girlfriend was pregnant, and we needed to get on the property ladder. But to get a mortgage, I needed to demonstrate a steady income. So I decided to become a teacher.”
The door in the chemist now goes into a restaurant.
The chaotic cafe breaks out into a fight again.
“Well, I left college and got really into clubbing and everything that goes with it. Sex and the drugs. And I had this dodgy E and was in a coma for six weeks. And when I came round, I thought, something’s got to change here. So I looked round at what I was qualified for and became a teacher.”
A driver taking The Knowledge has to pass the conversation section. “I would like you to take me from… pollution to hanging.”
The exercise class with stupid names for the moves. “Iron the fox. Be the Catholic. Get ready to eat the cranberry axe.”
The inappropriate Dentist is getting worse.
The men at the Predictive Text Commission. “For example, if I type in… I get shiv.” “Ah, yes, shiv.” “Is that a word people use?” “Of course, shiv. An improvised knife-like weapon. As in, I despatch the blackgard with my shiv.” “Right, then the second choice we offer is… PIGT.” “As in the abbreviation for the gene Phosphatyl dilinosutolglycan class T And those, I believe, are all the suggestions we offer.” “What about shit?”
The Flanders and Swann-alikes sing a song about masturbation.
Media Centre Description: Scratch beneath the surface of po-faced British respectability and you’ll find a wealth of great characters. Alexander Armstrong and Ben Miller star in a brand new sketch show.
Recorded from BBC FOUR on Tuesday 19th February 2008 21:30
BBC Genome: BBC FOUR Tuesday 19th February 2008 21:30
After this there’s a trail for The Cult of Sunday and for a Michael Portillo documentary about Thatcher called The Lady’s Not For Spurning.
Then the recording ends with the start of an episode of Citizen Smith (not that one).
Here’s the ad breaks for The Simpsons.
- trail: Cutting Edge: My Street
- DVLA Car Tax Rules
- Renault Megane
- Gillette Fusion Power – Thierry Henry, Tiger Woods, Roger Federer
- Direct Line
- Vax
- Gucci by Gucci
- Tesco Compare Car Insurance
- DVLA Car Tax Rules
- trail: Film 4: The British Connection
- trail: The Big Bang Theory
- Oral B Vitality
- Orange
- Huggies Little Walkers
- Army
- Renault Twingo
- Hovis Best of Both
- Ambi Pur Puresse
- trail: Collateral